“True Beauty” Review: Ugly Duckling Tale With A Fresh Twist

Image courtesy of True Beauty, Viki, and YouTube

What if you could magically transform not just your look but your entire life with a swipe of lipstick? Welcome to “True Beauty,” where an average-looking girl masters the art of makeup and discovers her true self beneath layers of foundation.

Toss in a love triangle that’s as tangled as headphone cords in your pocket, and you’ve got a drama that’s impossible to put down!

So imagine your typical high school gal, Lim Ju-kyung, played by the stellar Moon Ga-young. She’s a wizard with makeup, but strip away the blush and eyeshadow, and she feels as exposed as a celebrity without an Instagram filter. Sound familiar?

"True Beauty” kdrama features a collage with Moon Ga-young in both glamorous and nerdy looks, flanked by Cha Eun Woo and Hwang In-yeop in emotional scenes, highlighting the series' dynamic and transformative narrative.
Image courtesy of True Beauty, Viki, and YouTube

Trust me, my version of ‘masking up’ involves hiding from my laundry pile.

But Ju-kyung’s story?  It’s all about the makeover magic and finding who you really are under all that foundation.



And yes, there’s a love triangle that’s juicier than gossip at a high school reunion.

Now, about those dreamy guys. The eye-candy Cha Eun Woo plays Lee Su-ho, who’s as mysterious as a hidden snack drawer, and yes, he’s got a backstory that’s just as compelling. His jawline? Sharp enough to give you paper cuts.

And then there’s sexy-eyes Hwang In-yeop, who plays our resident bad boy Han Seo-jun. He’s basically a modern James Dean with a jazzed-up hairdo and a motorbike.

You’ll be torn between Team Su-ho and Team Seo-jun faster than you can change TV channels.

Watch “True Beauty” Trailer

But hey, “True Beauty” isn’t just a pretty face. It digs into the gritty stuff too—like self-worth and finding beauty that isn’t just skin deep. Can we get an amen?

The show mixes up deep moments with laughs (like Ju-kyung tripping over her own feet—girl, same) and it’ll tug at your heartstrings when the bullying gets real. It’s like a rollercoaster, minus the pricey ticket.

Let’s talk about how this story grabs you.

The pacing? Perfect.

It keeps you stuck to your couch, episode after episode. Not a single one feels like just filler.

The flashbacks? They’re gold. They flesh out our characters without dragging them through the mud.

And the chit-chat? Spot on and funny enough to make you wonder if the writers have been eavesdropping on your life. The high school vibe is real—none of that shiny, too-cool-for-school nonsense. The ups and downs? They hit home.

Now, about the acting—let’s just say it’s a slam dunk.

Moon Ga-young turns Ju-kyung into someone you swear you went to school with—awkward, endearing, and super genuine. Cha Eun Woo plays it cool and mysterious, and Hwang In-yeop? He’s the bad boy stealing every scene.

The rest of the crew? They’re the cherry on top, mixing in all the fun and flair that keeps this drama popping.

From a production angle, “True Beauty” is a gem. The camera work? Sharp and full of life, capturing every bit of high school drama.



The makeup transformations? Spot-on. Watching Ju-kyung wield her makeup brush like a magic wand is a treat.

For those tuning in from outside Korea, here’s a tip—get a grip on a few local insights. The show dives into Korea’s obsession with perfection and the harsh beauty standards.

Sounds intense, right?

It is. It’s a big deal over there.

The tough topics like bullying and the heavyweight of wealthy families add layers to the plot that might be missed without a little background info. While the story hits universal themes, these cultural bits make it all the more engaging.

But let’s be honest—no show’s without imperfections.

Sure, the love triangle might feel like you’ve seen it before, and some bits are guessable. But it’s all about how they pull it off. 

Sure, the love triangle might feel like you’ve seen it before, and some bits are guessable. But it’s all about how they pull it off.

And honestly, we kind of dig these clichés. They’re like your favorite cheesy pizza—always hits the spot.

True Beauty” totally slays the high school drama game. It’s packed with heart, laughs, and those deep feels.

This show isn’t just another cutie in the crowd. It really stands out with its honest peek into teen angst and the brutal beauty pressures of today.

And here’s the kicker: It nails the mental health angle. It’s sneaky but powerful. The characters wrestle with legit problems, and the show doesn’t just skirt around their struggles—it dives right into them.

It’s the fresh take we’ve all been craving.

Would I recommend it? Heck yes. If you’re all about tales of kicking butt at personal growth and owning your flaws, then “True Beauty” is right up your alley. It dives headfirst into the whole inner beauty versus society’s harsh vibes.



You’ll roll with Lim Ju-kyung as she figures out how to love herself, makeup or no makeup. It’s mega relatable and super uplifting, especially if you’ve felt that squeeze to fit the perfect image.

This drama mixes up the laughs with serious heart-to-hearts, dishing out a strong message about rocking your real self and owning your confidence.

Got a history with bullies or self-doubt? “True Beauty” will hit home.

All in all, “True Beauty” is a total gem to watch. It’s gonna make you chuckle, nod, and maybe even wipe away a sneaky tear.

All in all, “True Beauty” is a total gem to watch. It’s gonna make you chuckle, nod, and maybe even wipe away a sneaky tear.

It’s a solid reminder that real beauty isn’t about the face you put on. It’s about your vibe, your kindness, and just being the real you.

So, what’s the scoop? Seen “True Beauty” yet? Spill your guts in the comments. I’m all ears!

Catch “True Beauty” streaming with subtitles on Viki since it premiered on December 9, 2020.

“True Beauty” OST: Call Me Maybe (sung by SAya)

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